Southern California Rental Housing Association (SCRHA)
Southern CA Rental Housing Association 5675 Ruffin Drive, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92123-1362
Member Since: 2024

Organization Overview
During these early years, we grew our membership, grew our organization, and from that point forward, the changes we experienced began happening at a much faster clip. In fact, more than 10 decades and several name changes later, our purpose remains the same: to ensure that a vibrant rental housing industry throughout San Diego, Imperial, and southern Riverside counties is maintained and managed. To that end, the Southern California Rental Housing Association has expanded its products and services to a level that even its progressive founders couldn’t have anticipated.
Since 1919, the Southern California Rental Housing Association has responded to the changing needs of the rental housing industry and helped overcome many obstacles to support our members’ business objectives and real estate investments.
Fundamental to these accomplishments is the support of members like you; whose very involvement with the Southern California Rental Housing Association demonstrates a commitment to providing attractive, desirable rental housing opportunities for all in San Diego, Riverside, and Imperial Counties.
Your community service -- combined with the jobs your rental housing business generates—is a vital part of what helps keep our local economic engine running and it’s why the Southern California Rental Housing Association will continue its work to foster growth and excellence for what will hopefully be another 100 years of dedicated service.