CalRHA Signs On to Support Gonzales v. Inslee Amicus Brief

Press Releases,




The rental housing association supports the challenge to pandemic-era
eviction moratoria that infringe on the rights of housing providers.


SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The California Rental Housing Association (CalRHA) announced its support for the amicus brief in the Gonzales v. Inslee case, as it relates to the scope of eviction moratoria and the fundamental rights of property owners.

The Gonzales v. Inslee case relates to the rights of property owners regarding uncompensated government takings through the implementation of eviction moratoria, which places strict regulations on the property owner and renter relationship. In Gonzales v. Inslee, a finding of a “per se taking,” or government-compelled occupation of private property, would entitle property owners to payment of just compensation.

"We firmly advocate against uncompensated takings, which result in governmental overreach,” said Earle Vaughan, President, CalRHA. “Our members are still recovering from the eviction moratorium when, in some cases, for years they did not collect rent. California’s rental housing providers who house millions of Californians carried the financial burden of the pandemic for far too long and we cannot be expected to do so ever again. A ruling affirming a “per se” taking is the just decision, and would serve as a deterrent against future public action of imposing eviction moratoriums under the guise of emergencies.”

The Washington State Supreme Court has interpreted that once a tenancy is voluntarily created, no subsequent change in circumstances can alter the voluntariness of that arrangement; in which case a per se taking would not qualify. CalRHA asserts that this interpretation violates a property owner’s fundamental right, and sets a precedent that infringes on a housing provider’s future right to exclude.


Media Contact: Keegan Coleman, (714) 916-2546,





About the California Rental Housing Association

The California Rental Housing Association represents 25,000 members totaling more than 676,000 units, made up of small, medium and large rental housing owners throughout the State of California.